LSU Women’s Basketball ACL Jump Training Program
Created by Micki Collins, ATC
Level 1
Jump Rope 200 reps
Quick Box Jumps (8 inch box)
Two Foot Box Jumps (12-18 inch Crown Gym Mat Boxes) 3x10 reps
- Take off with both feet
- Use your arms
- Concentrate on sticking the landing
- Land with soft knees
Level 2
Depth Jumps 4x8 reps
- Stand on 12 inch box. Step off and as soon as you hit the ground, explosively jump onto a higher box (18-24 inches)
- Spend as little time on the ground as possible
- Concentrate on your landing
Practice Vertical Jump 4x5 reps
- Feet hip width apart
- Hands at shoulder level
- Explosively dip and jump straight up. Reach and extend with your dominant arm
Jump Rope-same as level 1, but progress to more advanced exercises
Quick Box Jumps-same as level 1
Level 3
Hurdle Hops x5
- Stand on 12 inch box. Step off and jump over a series of adjustable hurdles
- After jumping over the last hurdle do a long jump as far as possible
- Stick the landing
Tuck Jumps 3x15 reps
- Jump explosively with both feet, bringing your knees to chest and getting gas high as possible
- Be quick off the ground and use your arms
Standing Long Jump x3
- Drill is done form one end of the platforms in the weight room to the other
- Try and get to the end in as few jumps as possible
- Recover after each jump, reset, and explode out as far as possible
- Use your arms, stick the landing
Single Leg Explosive Jumps 3x10 reps each leg (advanced)
- Start with one leg on a 12-15 inch box (you want the quad close to parallel to the ground
- Explosively jump up, getting as high as possible
- Switch legs in midair so that you come down with the opposite leg on the box
- Drive up explosively with the opposite leg
- Repeat until prescribed reps are completed