Beginning in the Fall of 2009, the NCAA has set forth stricter rules and regulations that pertain to the proper documentation and proper use of stimulant medications. According to the NCAA Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Aspects of Sport, these new rules are designed to, "protect student-athlete's health and safety and ensure a level playing field."
Exceptions are made for those athletes with a documented medical history that demonostrates the need for the use of such drugs. The NCAA states that medical exemptions may be granted if the student-athlete has:
- declared the use of the substance to the athletic administrator responsible for keeping such medical records,
- presented appropriate documention of the diagnosed condition, and
- provided documentation from the prescribing physician explaining the course of treatment and the current prescription.
Louisiana State University has a protocol to address these specific issues as they relate to the need for medication, the testing required and the documentation process. The NCAA Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Aspects of Sports has developed an informative video to help answer some of the questions the student-athlete, their parent or guardian and the prescribing physician may have regarding use of these NCAA banned medications. Click on the URL provided below to watch the video: